Making Lemonade

We have heard the saying about making lemonade a thousand times and because of that, if we pay any attention to it-we usually just roll our eyes. As a lemon lover, I struggled to grasp the meaning of this simple, yet profound idea until I pictured the face of a child who had just tasted a lemon and compared it to one who had just sipped lemonade. A glass of lemonade is a sweet, refreshing treat. A lemon makes most people pucker. The difference is the sugar. Sugar doesn’t take the sour out of lemonade; it just draws the attention of our taste buds to focus on something else.


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Right now, you may feel like you are carrying a bucket of lemons. If you are an essential worker, you may be envious of those collecting padded unemployment checks and getting extra time at home. If you are collecting unemployment you may wish you still had stable employment and be worried about how this will affect you long term. If you are working from home and unexpectedly homeschooling your kids, you may wish you could either go to work or just be laid off. There are no perfect situations here.  

The good news is we have an unlimited supply of something sweeter than sugar, God’s word. It takes the negative situations and overpowers them by drawing our attention to something better. Reading the Bible will not make your problems disappear, but it will draw your focus to the things that matter. Spend time soaking in it. No matter how busy you are or how many people are competing for your time, start your day in God’s word. Let God be the one your focus is drawn to. We all have a lemon right now, the question is, do you want to start the day with a pucker or a refreshing drink. Invite your kids to join you. You can read together alternating who reads either each verse or each chapter. Talk about what you are learning. Voice your questions and look for the answers together. If you are looking for a starting point. Read the book of John.

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