Too much on your plate?

Things to know about your kids and online church!

  • We have monthly memory verse challenges! (If your child memorizes Eph 2:10 and sends me a video by May 5th-their name goes on an egg and that egg will be splatted over Blake or Micah’s head). Motivation! New verse, new challenge - next week!

  • If your child fills out the sermon notes page and you send me a picture of it, I enter them in a bi-weekly drawing to win a family game-delivered to your doorstep!

  • There are links to video lessons on the kids page-they are fun and they give you awesome conversation starters!

A laugh just for fun!!

Ps 127.jpg

Things to do as a family

  • Puzzles are a fun brain exercise and doing a puzzle together gives you lots of time to talk! When you are done you can use mod podge to keep it together, hang it on their wall and they have a memory and a decoration all in one!

  • Have you ever tried geocaching? Most cell phone GPS systems are good enough! It’s fun and gets you out of the house.


Enjoy being a parent!


Making Lemonade