Placed For A Purpose
Where do you run when bombs are going off all around you day and night? What do you do when you flee with your children to a country where forks and canned foods are mysteries?
Or when you dream a big dream for God and He changes the whole scenario?
By Linda Pharr
Where do you run when bombs are going off all around you day and night? What do you do when you flee with your children to a country where forks and canned foods are mysteries?
Or when you dream a big dream for God and He changes the whole scenario?
Koy Saephan, a 1970s era diaspora victim, and Anya Holcomb. a Kosovo international worker, shared stories about God’s “placed for a purpose” plans for their lives during the women’s spring tea at EHA. They shared how He brought them to places of trust in troubled times.
Beautiful china plates and tea cups along with flower-filled teapot centerpieces decorated the tables that Saturday as almost 60 women took their seats for the tea. Through paid reservations and an offering taken during the meeting, more than $500 was raised to help support CM&A ministries for Muslims in Central and Northern Asia.
Planning for this tea took a lot of planning and preparation. Thanks to Janet Heinz and Chris Hagemann for leading the kitchen staff to prepare an awesome English tea! Kitchen staff included Alanna Howe, Elaine Sharer, Jennifer Sharer, Kaisa Clark and Noreen Thomasson.
Table centerpieces were designed by Candy Sanders with guest favors by Debbie Sande. Promotion and place name tabs were designed by Lori Shero. Sound equipment oversight was by Jesse Jorgensen. Beautiful CD music was provided by Marsha Avery. Emcee was our own Becky Cooper. Babysitters were Cameron McKinney and Isaiah Beck.
Our waiters were Jim Fishel, Frank Beckwith, Wayne Van Hamme, Jack Sande, Ed Sanders, Wayne Wrzesinski and Jesse Jorgensen. Table hostesses were Candy Sanders, Linda Pharr, Debbie Sande, Linda Grewelle, Myrna Beckwith, Judy Rafter, Paula White, April Van Hamme, Sharon Fishel and Pat Enbody. Kitchen clean-up crew consisted of Kristen Janiszewski, Sera Clark, Janet Heinz, Peggy Breedlove, Susan Jones and Chris Simmons.
The tea was sponsored by EHA’s Great Commission Women, a CM&A auxiliary organization which supports international workers through prayer and finances. Giving thanks to the Lord for blessing His daughters at His tea!
Life After Fifty
LAF (Life After Fifty) meets the LAST Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at EHA. Geared towards the “plus 50 group”, LAF provides opportunities for events such as group singing, updates on issues of concern for senior citizens or various travel adventures shared by other members of the group. Mostly, though, it is a time of fellowship around some wonderful potluck food. Noel McRae is one of the original organizers and is still scheduling some amazing and interesting programs for LAF’s members. The group is open to all “50” and older “young” people. Please consider yourself invited!
LAF started about 12 years ago with the vision of Kathy Elam, a former EHA member. “Our goals were to provide a time for seniors (over 50) to get together, “said Noel. “We wanted to get to know one another better, have a better idea and incentive to pray for one another, and have programs of interest, fun and of value to seniors, such as CAP (this month), legal advice and financial experts…”
Here are some comments from long-time members as to why they choose to attend LAF:
Jim and Sharon Fishel
We’ve been attending EHA for 13 years and have been going to LAF almost as long.
I (Jim) go for the great variety food and conversations. We both enjoy the slide shows of trips made locally and around the world by others. We enjoy visiting with friends who go regularly to Sunday services instead of Saturday night when we attend. We love the humor about aging that Noel starts each meeting out with. As an added inducement to go for us is watching the Eagles nesting on the south end of the Longview/Rainier bridge when they arrive in late winter until their young fledge.
There are several meetings that we remember fondly including a couple times we shared our trips across the US and to Alaska. The sing-a-long recently led by Marsha Akery, a traveling couple that
sang and gave their testimonies, and when the pastoral staff came and served us and led us in singing hymns were great memory-making events.
Paula White
Why do I enjoy LAF? Well, really, why wouldn't I? There are people there that I can relate age...people from EHA and The Grove. They have had a lot of the same life experiences that I have had. We enjoy each other’s company. And we do a lot of” LAF”ing. I really enjoy that!! I have gone on a lot of vacations with different people...right from my seat at the dinner table...looking at some amazing vacation pictures of various locations in this world! It didn't cost me a dime and no "jet lag". I have enjoyed listening to people sing to us and the group sing-a-longs as well. (My singing may not sound so good, but it sure feels good!!) I have enjoyed Noel's lists of jokes and other "notable" sayings. We have had Bible teachings and different people from the community telling us about some amazing ministries in our community!! The time together at LAF gives us an opportunity to visit and get to know each other better too. It also gives us the opportunity to learn how we can pray for each other as well. Oh yes, and some pretty amazing food has shown up on the "dinner table" too. How could I forget that?!! All in all, I hate to miss an opportunity to LAF.
Linda Grewelle
I attended a few times when it first began, but another ministry kept me from attending regularly. When I stepped out of leadership in the other ministry, four years ago, I began attending LAF regularly.
I decided to attend because it was a way to fellowship with other older folks in our church, plus newer ones I hadn't met before, or barely knew. I enjoy visiting with people about my age and finding out what they are currently doing, about their family, their trips, illnesses, joys & concerns. LAF works well for this purpose.
I've enjoyed all the programs, but a few that I really enjoyed were the road trip through Canada & Alaska presented by Jim & Sharon Fishel. a presentation by our local Chaplain, one by our local Sheriff, and the McRaes' trips to the Southwest area of our country.
Team Bosnia, 2016
Team Bosnia, 2016
By Jim Venable
Let me introduce the team from East Hills and The Grove headed to Bosnia and Herzegovina this summer.
Vicki Taylor I have been married for 26 years to my best friend, Bill. We have two children. I work as an accounting assistant at a credit union.
I have been a believer my whole life but came to a greater understanding of “relationship” when I started attending East Hills Alliance 17 years ago. My faith has grown greatly in those years. My first mission trip was to Mexico with the youth a few years ago. That trip really moved me to want to help in this area when and where I am able. I have had a desire to go to Bosnia since we started a partnership with the missionaries over there years ago. Last summer I really felt it was my time and I was able to go. The experience I had was amazing in Vares! Going back this summer, I know will be a completely different experience and I feel called again to do what I can. I am confident that our team will do great showing the love of Jesus by being there and helping with the children’s’ camps during our time with them. I am excited to see groups of children from different cities we will visit. This is the verse that spoke to me last summer and continues now -
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
I may not be a prophet, but I know I want to share the love of Jesus with as many as I can.
Jack Sande
I am privileged to be married to Debbie. We have three wonderful boys scattered between here and China. As an occupation I teach computer server technology at Clark College. When I get home I do not want to deal with technology. We do not have a TV in our home (I was addicted to it growing up) so I enjoy working in my workshop, reading books, and playing table games with Debbie. Over the years I have had a deep interest in Christian evidences (the theological term is called apologetics). That has also led me into delving into the lack of
evidences for the following groups: Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and Atheists. I was asked why I feel called to
go to Bosnia. I don’t. I look at Mark 16:15. It says “Go into all the world.” That’s why I am going.
Shannon Gilman
When I was a little girl my mom took me to a New Tribes Mission Conference. I loved hearing about other cultures, what they wore, what they ate, seeing the pictures of where they lived, and most of all seeing what God was doing. I remember telling my mom that I wanted to go Peru, Africa, or wherever God would take me. In our church at the time, I was in a club for girls called GA’s (Girls in Action) and ActTeens, where we learned about Missionaries.
We helped missionaries by raising money and we did mission work in our town. Missions have always been a passion of mine. I feel led this time to go to Bosnia, other times it was more of “oh I would love to go there”. This time, I really feel like God has prepared my heart. I have walked through some shadowy times. God has met me all of the uncertainty I’ve had recently, whether it be physical or emotional, God is in my brokenness. While my hurt was still raw I knew something new would arise. I was never facing it alone. God planted people in my path to build relationships. Sometimes, we need to be that person. The one that shows mercy. God’s shepherd’s sometimes are just the friendly faces that help out at English camps, build relational bridges and shine the light in dark places. I asked God to use me, send me, and I will follow whether it is here in Longview or across the ocean.
Jennifer Sharer I have a husband and three girls, ages 18, 16, and 12. I love reading, scrapbooking, and Candy Crush. I have taught at the elementary school level for 17 years. God has given me a passion for learning and for children. I've wanted to go to Bosnia since we first started partnering with them, but it has never worked out. When I heard that this Bosnia trip centered around hosting an English day camp for kids, I knew it was the opportunity I had been waiting for. Thank you for remembering our team in your prayers!
Jo-El Perez
I am married to my best friend, Danny and I have a wonderful 8-year old stepson, Austin. It has been a passion of mine to be on the mission field ever since I can remember. I love that our God is so big and so great that he uses everyday people to accomplish something so beautiful for his glory. As the Children’s Ministry Director, I’m sure you can imagine the passion I have for children, so I am so excited to be a part of this English camp and kids festivals in Bosnia this year, where we can share God’s love with these children. God is working through our international workers already, and it’s an honor to be used to further his mission.
Judy Rafter
I have two wonderful cats, Rocky Raccoon, and Precious Princess. As for me, well if it wasn’t for God I wouldn’t be where I am today. I prayed and prayed and prayed when I heard about the opportunity to go to Bosnia, and I feel like God wanted me to go to Bosnia and hold those little children, like he did. I feel like I have to go and love on those children personally and share with them the truth of how much Jesus loves them.
Jo-El is the team lead. She has expressed the objectives and needs of the team this way:
“We will spend most our time at the Source Community Center in Sarajevo… We are preparing to teach an English camp for a week… We are practicing many puppet routines to share with the children at the English camp, as well as the kids in Vares, where we will lead a one-day Kid’s Festival with puppet shows, games and prizes… As we talked with Petula, she shared that cyber bullying is becoming a much more common issue among people. We want to bring an awareness of the matter…”
“Please join us as we prepare for this trip to Bosnia… that God will work in our hearts… to be flexible…and united together as strong team… Please pray as we prepare to go financially, that we are able to raise the money necessary to take this trip.
Anna Millikan
Anna Millikan, daughter of Matt and Aliina Millikan, is travelling on a mission trip to Cameroon in June and shared some information about her trip with The House:
House: When are you going to Cameroon? When do you return?
Anna: I am going to Cameroon, Africa, in June after a 2-week boot camp at Teen Missions in Florida. I will return the 2nd week of August from Africa and will be at the Teen Missions camp for debriefing until Aug 13th. The official date of the trip is from June 18-Aug 13.
House: With what organization?
Anna: Teen Missions International is the organization.
House: How did you learn about the trip?
Anna: We started looking into it after hearing Alene Gross talk about it at church last spring.
House: Why do you want to go?
Anna: I have been on a mission trip to Mexico and I really liked the experience. I am graduating this year and I’m trying to figure out what I want to do in life so I'm hoping this experience will give me some direction.
House: How are you raising the funds for your trip? How much do you need to raise?
Anna: I have been mowing lawns, babysitting, cleaning houses, and doing some general yard work. I still need to raise about $2000.
(House: Support for Anna can be made via a check payable to “Teen Missions”. Coupons for supporting Anna can be found in the EHA foyer. Deadline is May 15, 2016.)
House: What do you plan to do on this mission trip?
Anna: I will be working with Aids orphans, teaching Sunday School, hosting Soccer Clinics, and doing some small projects as needed.
House: What are you looking forward to experiencing? What seems kinda scary?
Anna: I am looking forward to experiencing Africa! The people, the culture, the climate. I am excited to learn about what life is like there firsthand. I am also excited to be a small part of making a difference in the lives of the children. I'm really not scared of anything yet, but I think navigating the airport on my own would be what I am the most nervous about.
House: Share anything else you think we might be interested in learning about your trip and about you! (family, your age, your interests….)
Anna: Well, I come from a family of 7, I am the second born of 4 girls and one boy. I will be turning 17 while in Africa. I am homeschooled, but I play Varsity soccer, and run track for Mark Morris High School.
House: We hope to hear about Anna’s adventure when she returns in August!
Easter Celebration!
Candy-filled Easter eggs will blanket the Monticello Middle School playing field on Sunday, March 27! This is the second annual event hosted by The Grove! More than 100 people from the local community participated in the egg-searching fun last year!
The fun begins at 9:30a, with an Easter egg hunt! Followed by Continental breakfast at 10;00, and the service begins at 10:30. For information about helping at this event, contact Josh Droke, youth pastor.
God Knows - to the Exact Penny, a story by Eldon Salisbury
Eldon shares a true story about his Uncle Melton, a well-to-do farmer who lives in Moscow, ID, and who loves the Lord.
The little Nazarene Church in Moscow that my uncle attends was in dire need of a new building as they were outgrowing the old one. The congregation was asked by the board members to pray, asking the Lord what He would lay on their hearts to pledge for the new building program.
Melton and his wife, Ester, began praying and felt Him leading them to give $50,000 to the building program. The board left it to all those members and friends to tell what their pledge was, knowing that six months later the pledges would come due. Needless to say my uncle felt very sure that they could afford their pledge at the time it was made. However, as the time came closer to put the money up, the family had come on hard times and the price of wheat had dropped off to the point that they were barely able to keep their household going. Time after time, as Melton came home to eat lunch, he would turn on the radio to see what and where the wheat prices were moving. He had a storage bin full of wheat that he was planning to use for his pledge. The days and weeks drew closer to pledge payment time. One noon Melton came home and, turning on the radio, heard that the price of wheat was “through the roof,” which means the price had shot up and was at a point where he believed he could sell the grain as planned.
He immediately called the buyers and told them to “Sell! Sell! Sell!” After trucking all the wheat in and selling it, he went into the office to get the check and the guy in charge said to him, “Melton, you are without a doubt the luckiest person on the face of the earth!” Eldon’s uncle asked the clerk why he “happened” to be so lucky. The guy replied, “Do you know
how long the price was at that high point”? Melton said “No, I don’t.” The guy in charge said, “Melton, that price was only at that high point for 15 seconds! That is why I am saying you are the luckiest guy in the whole world!”
Eldon’s uncle said, “I don’t think luck had anything to do with it because Somebody else is in charge of my life and He controls everything I do and receive”. At that point the clerk handed him the check. Melton looked at it and realized another startling thing had happened. The total amount of the check, including dollars and cents, was exactly $50,000—to the penny!
Eldon says, “My uncle told me this story as we were ready to expand our church and it really brought home to me how God is totally in control of our lives in everything we do. He wants us to step out in faith and to ‘keep on keeping on’ here on earth in His work.
“Needless to say, the Moscow Nazarene Church is averaging about 1,000 people every Sunday and even many more in outreach ministries in that community.
“You know $50,000 is a lot of money and the Lord does not expect everyone to give that much to the church for building, but He does have an amount in mind for us and He will let us know what it is if we truly seek Him in prayer and step out in faith,” Eldon continued.
“God is still in control of our lives and of our pocket book—even to the exact penny.”
Financial Peace - A Look Back, By Jerry & Bobbi Wilson
The House asked Jerry and Bobbi Wilson to share their journey using Financial Peace as a tool to help them get out of debt. They will be leading the current Financial Peace University program beginning March 21 at EHA. Here is their story.
Dear Alliance Family, When Jon asked us to lead FPU, we wanted to make sure that we would be up to the task of leading the class. After praying about it, we felt that God was leading us to step up. We had taken the class led by Jon three years ago, and it has meant a lot to us. Jon thought that our success since then would be motivational to others.
We have been in debt most of our 34 years of marriage, of course small at the beginning as we were attempting to create a good line of credit, common practice in the time, then much larger over the years. This has led to years of financial goal setting discussions and stress. We’ve been fortunate to have had jobs and incomes that have allowed us to continue to live relatively comfortably and attempt to pay off our debt, but until Financial Peace University, nothing had ever worked with lasting results. Looking forward to retirement in the next decade and life beyond, we wanted to free ourselves of the debt once and for all. We had heard of FPU, and thought that a Christian-based financial planning program sounded like something we
should try, and God loves to nudge when He knows someone is considering a smart move within His wonderful plans.
We thoroughly enjoyed the course from the very first night, and walked out saying this looks like it could really work! We thought Dave Ramsey was fantastic and so motivating, full of great methods and plans - different, exciting, and thought provoking. Jon was such a warm and wonderful leader and made us feel welcome every night. One strength of the class (and program) is the support and community of learning with others who are working on their financial goals, too. It doesn’t matter if the people have debt or not, the principles are sound.
The methods were a little challenging at first, but soon became easier and rewarding. We learned how to do accurate monthly budgets, seeing where all the money really goes to. The tools in the class are so good, and having everyone at our table using them at the same time, then celebrating the victories, was emotional and motivating. One of the immediate bonuses was that we each got to set aside a designated amount each month for free spending, guilt free! No more arguments about buying another hot drink or book! Other small successes followed.
Now using what we’ve learned with Financial Peace University, we are on a definite path, with a visible destination, to being Debt Free! Best of all we know we can honor God with the way we use our money for His purposes. We encourage everyone who is considering the class to join us for the journey!
A Memorial For Chuck Byers, A Very Special Man, by Noel McRae
The Roadrunner Connection Group at EHA has purchased a memorial plaque honoring Church Byers. Noel McRae shares some memories about Chuck in this article.
Chuck Byers was a long-time associate and friend of many in our Roadrunner Connection group. He is the last of the original members of East Hills Alliance Church.
Chuck was a personal friend for as long as I have been in the church. That dates back to the 60s. His involvement in EHA goes back to a time when the core of the church was meeting over in Longview, dreaming of building a church in Kelso.
I personally began working with him as he helped me work with our youth group by helping take them on backpack trips and coordinating with me as we ran the junior camp at Canby for several years. He cooked for our church potlucks, provided breakfasts for our Saturday men’s Bible study and helped in a myriad of roles and other projects around the church.
He was one of the first to commit to what became our Roadrunner Group. Even when he was totally worn out from coaching, he would make it to our group.
We worked with him as he became sick and we coordinated with him as he faced his last days.
Buying a plaque to remember him was a small deed to remember a good and faithful friend.
The plaque will be located by the EHA front doors for a couple of months, then will be moved to the kitchen where Chuck served the church for so many years.