The Grove: 40 Days Of Prayer

We hope that you will take some time over the next 40 days and join us as we pray for this adventure that God has us on. If you can pray for a few days or all of the days we appreciate you joining with us.

Monticello Cafeteria

9/2- That the vision being lived out by the new campus would be the very heart of God.

9/3- That the launch team would stand strong in unity, vision, passion, and direction. Pray for spiritual protection.

9/4- For the welcome team, and its leaders Jim and Denise Cram.

9/5- For the worship team, and its leader Danny Perez.

9/6- For the audio and visual tech team, and its leader Wayne Wrzesinski.

9/7- For the Kidville nursery ministry, and the Kidville director Jo-El Perez.

9/8- For the Kidville preschool ministry.

9/9- For the Kidville K-5th ministry.

9/10- For the set-up and take-down teams, and their leader Loren Portwood.

9/11- For the youth at The Grove, as well as youth leaders ministering at both campuses.

9/12- For Spirit-led, positive interaction with the community.

9/13- For positive, impacting interaction with the teachers and staff at Monticello.

9/14- For good, life-changing interaction with the students and their families. 

9/15- For God to break down spiritual walls at Monticello Middle School.

9/16- For members of East Hills and The Grove to develop an ever-growing burden to serve at Monticello.

9/17- For Jesus to use us to help bring healing, joy, and salvation to the local community.

9/18- For God to raise up volunteers to help fill the gaps on Sunday mornings.

9/19- For God to raise up volunteers to help serve in the Monticello Wyldlife Ministry.

9/20- For the Lord to provide for all of our financial needs at The Grove.

9/21- For the equipment used at The Grove to function well and remain secure.

9/22- For the Lord to draw people to The Grove who need a church home.

9/23- For a Spirit of Peace to reign over The Grove.

9/24- For a Spirit of Healing to permeate everything at The Grove.

9/25- For the truth to be unashamedly proclaimed from the outset, yet in a spirit of love.

9/26- For new opportunities to develop with students and staff at Monticello.

9/27- For the favor that we have received at Monticello to continue to grow and develop.

9/28- For creativity to flourish at The Grove, leading to impacting ministry.

9/29- For a harvest of newcomers to find salvation through The Grove.

9/30- For an increased number of worship team members.

10/1- For discernment to recognize spiritual strongholds at Monticello, and for confidence in Christ to tear them down.

10/2- For deep friendships to form amongst members of The Grove that lead into effective communal ministry.

10/3- For The Grove to be a place of intense harvest, and for many people to come to saving faith in Jesus.

10/4- For a heart of worship to permeate all that we do.

10/5- For our volunteers to serve with vision, dedication, and love.

10/6- For newcomers to enter in and find places to plug in to community and service.

10/7- For the Kidville ministry to effectively reach children for Jesus.

10/8- For wisdom, health, and protection for Pastor Jon and his family, along with all the ministry leaders at The Grove.

10/9- For the Grove to have a positive working relationship with Monticello Middle School and the Longview School District.

10/10- For many visitors from the community to come to The Grove's first launch day, and for them to have a positive experience.

10/11- For the official launch day to go smoothly and be an effective time of ministry for all.

Again, thank you for join us in prayer leading up to the start of this adventure that God has called us to.







Gleaning, by Josh Droke