Here at East Hills Alliance, we invite you to join us in celebrating this significant holiday! Pentecost is the day we remember that through the Holy Spirit, God himself has come to dwell within all who believe in Him.
Here at East Hills Alliance, we invite you to join us in celebrating this significant holiday! Pentecost is the day we remember that through the Holy Spirit, God himself has come to dwell within all who believe in Him.
Here are ways that you can mark this day:
At East Hills: We are calling for a "red-out" at our weekend services on June 7 and 8. Come wearing any shade of red to symbolize the fire of the Spirit that came in Acts 2. After each of our three services, we will also have a dessert celebration downstairs in the Community Room, provided by EHA Youth.
At Home: Get creative about ways that you and your family could set aside Pentecost weekend as a special time. Host a barbecue or s'mores bonfire with some friends. Cook a special breakfast. Stay up late telling stories or reading Scripture. Go out for lunch with friends. When your children ask, "why are we doing this?" take this opportunity to share with them the meaning of Pentecost.
In Prayer: Set aside 30-60 minutes during the week to prepare yourself through prayer. In Acts 1, Jesus commanded his followers to "watch and pray" until the Holy Spirit came.
Between the ascension and Pentecost the disciples waited in anticipation of the promise; the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all believers. From that time on, the Spirit has been available to all who wait before the Father.