Campus Launch East Hills Alliance Campus Launch East Hills Alliance

Easter At Mark Morris

Easter Sunday is one of my favorite holidays. There is nothing more powerful and beautiful than celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the rich salvation that’s come to all who believe.

This Easter, the celebration will be even sweeter as all three services will gather together as one at Mark Morris High School in Longview to celebrate the Risen King and consider what new things God may be seeking to do in our lives during this season.

A major focus of our vision this year is to launch a new campus into Longview. Gathering at Mark Morris is one more step in turning our collective eyes and our prayers westward into this community.

Join us for coffee and pastries at 10:00 AM, and for the worship celebration starting at 10:30. There will be special kids programs for kids 5th grade and under. Prayerfully consider who you could invite to join you, and then welcome them along. For more information, pick up an information card in the welcome center, check out our website at, or contact the church office.


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