Monday Night Live - Foundations

What do I believe? What do you believe? What are the foundations of what we believe? Monday Night Live is currently answering these questions through a course titled “Foundations: Establishing a Firm Foundation for faith.” Pastors Nick and Jon are leading this study. Following are a few quotes from students involved in the study.

“I have been spending worthwhile time in our church’s latest class offering called “Foundations.”  I have been ‘churched’ for a long time now, but it sure doesn’t hurt to review some of the basic tenets of our faith.  My memory, not unlike anyone else’s, develops gaps from forgetting, and there are also new things not learned before that are brought up and shared in a collegial atmosphere under the partnered leadership of Pastors Nick and Jon. Attending this class serves a dual purpose in that not only do I refresh my memory on things forgotten, but it also allows me to see that our leadership is not straying in any way from what are the very basic foundations of our faith.”—Clyde Pharr

“Well, I suppose my reasons for taking the foundations class have changed over time (in only 6-7 weeks). They have gone from first just wanting to see what this church was all about, to then just connecting to people at the church (we are new). Then I found myself really needing to know how to defend my faith in Jesus, the Trinity, and the Holy Spirit. Who knows when we finish why the ultimate reason will be, but it has effectively answered all of my needs as they have popped up. (Praise be to God)!—Kristen Janiszewski

 “I've developed a real hunger to press into God and develop the intimate relationship that Paul talks about in his letter to the churches in Ephesus and Corinth. I want to know God's mind, His power, His mercy and His true love for me! I believe these foundations classes are a piece of my journey.”—David Janiszewski

I have loved our Monday Night Foundations group.  Coming Monday night is not easy for me; I am often working late into the evening getting lab materials & lessons prepped for my Tueday Chemistry students.  But, the Foundation’s small group discussions have been so good that I hate to miss.  Group members have shared great questions as well as great insights.  MNL also gives us another day a week to see people, share our lives and support one another.  This is a treasure in our busy lives. So glad I decided to be here!!!—Karla Bean

Although the subject material has been great, what I've enjoyed the most about the Monday Night Live Foundations Class this fall has been the fellowship we've enjoyed at our small group table. Our table group is a mix of old friends and new ones - some that I've known for many years, and others that I'd never met until the first night of class. In our time together, we've read scriptures together and talked with one another about the deep truths of our faith, and how those truths impact our day to day life as Christ followers. People have really opened up and shared their hearts - not just what they think, but what they feel: their doubts, hurts and fears, and their dreams and testimonies of joy. We've really grown connected with each other as we've gotten to know each other better, lifted each other in prayer, and encouraged each other in our faith.—Greg Bean


Thinking About Thinking


Greetings East Hills!