All Star Camp

What’s new at All Star Camp this year?                                      

Glad you asked! One major change is that we are relocating from Barnes to Butler Acres Elementary. We are excited to have the chance to serve our immediate neighbors and build relationships with staff and students at Butler Acres. Invitations for ASC have gone out to Barnes Elementary as well, and we hope that many of those students will join us!

Another change this year is a great new theme: Cowboy Roundup! This is a fun and simple theme that offers our volunteers lots of opportunity for creativity. We hope to see everyone get into the cowboy spirit. Don’t be surprised to see leaders and kids playing soccer or jumping rope while wearing cowboy hats!

While we want to have fun, we also want to teach important truths. This year the emphasis will be on equality. Through devotionals, discussions, and activities, kids will learn the value of showing kindness and friendship to others. They will also learn the awesome truth that God loves everyone!

So what is staying the same at All Star Camp?  We will once again have three great activity tracks where kids will have the chance to connect with volunteers; each child will also hear a gospel presentation during the week. Add in songs, snacks, an original drama presentation, and a barbecue on the last day, and you have All Star Camp, a unique way that we can bless our community and share the love of Christ.

What can you do?  Register your kids early! Registrations are available in the Welcome Center and online. Also, we are need of many, many dozens of cookies for the week, so if you want to donate (baked or bought) cookies please drop them off in the church kitchen this week! Please no nuts or peanut butter. Contact Marilyn for more info about cookies, 423.6539. 


Gleaning, by Josh Droke


House Interview - The Larwick Family