adult memory verse
You don’t outgrow memory verses! Ps 119:11 says “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” God uses His Word to challenge and change us to become more like Him. Write verses on 3x5 cards and put them where you will see them. Stick a note on the bathroom mirror and repeat it while you brush your teeth. This month our adult memory verse is Eph 6:4. Look it up and learn it!
Just a friendly reminder, God is good and He is faithful! If you are having a hard time believing that right now-reach out! Our church family is really a family, we love each other and we take care of each other. If you are struggling financially, emotionally, mentally, please let someone help you. Pride is ugly and it makes us miserable, don’t let it win!
Family fun idea of the week
It looks like more hot weather is headed our way! Bring a bucket or large pan of water and a measuring cup for each player outside. Take turns asking each other questions like “what is my favorite animal?” and if the person answers wrong you get to throw a cup of water at them.