Day 2: Paradise, Church and on to Gleanings
Today was a busy day. After a quick breakfast we started our day with a trip up the hill to Paradise (where Camp Fire recovery is in full swing). It was a super emotional time.
From Alyssa:
“After an uneventful trip to Chico, CA and safe arrival at Neighborhood Church, we turned the lights out at 10:30 pm in an attempt to get some rest before we conquer travel day #2. We are going to attend church with our friends Chris and Rhonda but first we are visiting the Camp fire memorial in Paradise.
It was hot and we stood on the edge of a parched canyon with a smattering of green underbrush. Rhonda had shared some statistics about the fire on our drive. At its peak, the Camp fire was burning at a rate of a football field a second. 87 crosses dotted a sharp turn on the road leading to Paradise. As dirty sneakers kicked the edge of the hot pavement, our students held their hands up to their eyes to block the sun while our guide apologized and wiped tears from his eyes. He hasn't cried in a few months; but explains it comes in waves. Most recently, he's been spending time at the high school salvaging what they can so that the students can go back in the fall. While the high school and its contents didn't burn; everything inside was contaminated and has now been cleaned to remove the toxins. After the fire they met in an empty Sears; then a warehouse. They want back in their school. They want normal.
Four members of our group stand beside a cross bearing the name of a family member. They hang the hat they've brought and take a moment before rejoining the outer edge of our group. He was the youngest victim of the camp fire. I can't stop wiping silent tears imagining a level of loss that I hope to never understand. Before we climb back in the van; we pray. We pray gathered in an imperfect huddle; in our 30 minutes at the memorial, only two trucks pass us. We pray for healing, fortification for the volunteers, gratitude for the progress but mostly just for HOPE. The Alliance Church in Paradise was spared, and Chris tells us that church attendance is on the rise, people are asking hard questions; they don't understand the endless stream of volunteers (mostly from churches) with no prior connection to Paradise.
I left a tiny piece of myself on the side of that road in Paradise. Helpless and hopeful at the same time; I climbed back in the van grateful that, for a moment, I could help shoulder a sliver of their grief.”
Crosses on the hill as you enter Paradise
A memorial for a family member
Praying for Paradise, the relief efforts, and the greater Paradise area
After we left Paradise we went to church at Neighborhood Church in Chico, where we stayed the night Saturday night. Their church meets in a large dome, a different experience for many of our youth!
Worship time
Worship time
Then, we were off! We arrived at Gleanings, got settled in, had our team meeting for the night, and the kids hit the pool! We start work bright and early in the morning. I'm looking forward to serving with this awesome TEAM.
A quick prayer request: we're really short volunteers this week. It's our team of 24 plus 7 others from other churches. Pray that our team can serve well, and that we are amazing volunteers, stepping up in ways that surprise the staff here! I know these kids can do it, I just want them to do it with the fantastic willingness and attitude they bring in a way that impacts both them and the Gleanings staff!
Team meeting!
Peach field