East Hills Alliance East Hills Alliance

Online Bulletin - 3/12/2023


We’re so grateful you’re joining in today. Your presence here matters, and you matter to us. If this is your first time here, we’d love to have you take a moment to fill out our connection card. That lets us learn a little about you, and we’ll send you some information (as well as a little gift to thank you being here) so you can learn more about us. We believe a relationship with Jesus is the best choice you could ever make, and we invite you to get to know Him – and us – a little better today.


Bosnia Team Fundraiser

Our Short-Term Bosnia team is preparing for their July trip to serve with our global partners in Bosnia & Herzegovina! Please pray for them and consider supporting them with a financial gift! During the month of March, you’ll find decorated envelopes numbered 1-100 in the foyer at East Hills. Inside each envelope, you’ll find a note to help you pray for the team and an offering envelope that you can fill with the amount of money that corresponds to the number you picked! Just mark your financial gift “Bosnia Short-Term Team” and place it in the offering box at East Hills or give online at www.easthills.org/give. Take the decorated envelope home to remind you to pray for the team!

You’ll be supporting the team as they lead youth and young adult workshops, minister to Bosnian people in their homes, and encourage our global partners and Bosnian believers in local churches.


Being a community who cares for and serves each other sometimes means needing to contact one another. The easiest way to be connected like this is through our online church directory. So become a part of our church directory in 3 easy steps:

  1. Determine yes, you are a part of the East Hills community! Whether online or in person, East Hills is your church home and you’re committed to the people who are this church.

  2. Email a picture of you/your family and your current contact information to office@easthills.org.

  3. Download the Instant Church Directory from your app store, or access it online at instantchurchdirectory.com.

That easy. We’re so glad you’re a part of this community!

Women’s Prayer Night - March 19th

Please join us on the third Sunday evening of each month this Spring as we gather in worship, fellowship and prayer. 6:30pm, East Hills Alliance - Community Room. Women ages 14+ welcome, no childcare available.

This night has been an effective way to increase community by gathering to support each other in prayer and celebrate the sweet provision of Jesus. Sharing is optional; you are free to participate at your own pace. Get more info here.


Sermon Notes:

The Meek

Matthew 5:5, 11:28-29, 21:1-5; 1 Peter 3:4

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth


Blessed: The with-ness and favor of God.


Meekness is not weakness

-          Meekness as circumstance: The inability to overpower

-          Meekness as attitude: The refusal to overpower


Meekness is not fear


The meek know that the kingdom, the power, and the glory are God’s, forever.





LAST WEEK $11,336 –

MARCH $11,336 $30,329

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