
Vikendica! by Jesse Jorgensen

Our team did arrive safely in Sarajevo on Friday evening (local time) and then drove an hour to Vares where we’ll spend most of our time. We were tired…weary, I’d say, but travel went smoothly every step of the way. Not to say it wasn’t uneventful. (I did get a little vomit on my legs due to being trapped in the “splash zone” of a nearby sick airplane passenger, and other team members may tell you their tales of the journey at some point.) But, all in all, a fine trip.

We spent our first day with our friends up at their vikendika (cottage) where we had our orientation meeting, and considered how we will setup for the picnic we are host there at the end of the week. We also ate delicious food, played cornhole and ladder ball with a local neighbor, walked/hiked, rested, and some of us even got to squeeze in a home visit to another neighbor. The weather was delightful and I count it as a very good day.

Please pray for us as we continue to adjust to the time zone and hopefully get our bodies caught up on the rest we need. We have a variety of small health related issues among the team. Mostly, we think, just due to fatigue and needing to adjust.

Today we are headed to church in Sarajevo. Josh will be preaching and Wendy and I will help lead worship. We’ll get to have lunch with the pastor of the church and visit some friends who had helped previous teams with the kids camps at the center. We are looking forward to more time with our global partners, old and new friends today!


One Man's Tale of Travel


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