You Are the Same God

You Are the Same God - by Wendy Droke

Camp and camp ministry has always been important to me. As a child, I spent a lot of time at camp. It's where I met Jesus. It's where I learned about being a follower. It's a place that for me was pivotal in my early development of my faith as well as my maturing as a follower as I went on staff and served as a staff member for 6 summers. Camp foundationally changed who I am. God worked in my life through camp.

Today Josh, Jesse, and I were given the opportunity to travel out to camp to see and experience a few hours of the camp we have heard so much about. We were there just before campers arrived for the week, and even saw the first campers of the week showing up as we were leaving. While we were there we spoke with many of the staff members about the renovations going on at the camp (talk about amazing changes from the first pictures I saw from our team who went to dig fence post holes!), their excitement for what the future could hold as they finish up the second big house building, and the encouragement they have found in how that construction has been proceeding. From construction workers that are available (that's rare here - many skilled laborers have traveled to Germany where the pay is better), to provided funds, to provision in timing of things being done to be able to be used for storage, the staff is seeing encouraging things.

Most impactful to me, however, was a conversation with a 19-year-old young woman who is working at the camp this summer. M has been going to the camp for 10 years, became a follower of Jesus there, and now is back to serve on staff this year. As she talked about the impact of camp on her life I was reminded of a much younger me. The setting looks different. The challenges are different. But our God is the same God here as he is at home. Our God is personal and meets needs individually, and while I knew that could happen in similar settings and methods, it was impactful to see how God does similar and meaningful things in youth in the same ways here as well as at home.

Also encouraging: hearing the dreams of the staff for the future of the camp and hearing things to lift up, so I'll pass those along to you for you to be praying for (or consider giving directly to):

* to finish phase 2 of construction they still need a couple hundred thousand dollars. 

* They have done so well fundraising they were able to start phase 3 on faith that the money will come in. Praise God for that but also be praying for the money to complete phase 3!

* Camp has a few more weeks left this summer pray for the campers and staff that are there now and are coming.

* The camp would love to buy the two properties behind the back fence. Prayers for possible future expansion and positive reception from those property owners!




Day 2