Arriving in Sarajevo


As I write this, it’s Saturday morning around 8am in Sarajevo. We arrived last night and got settled in to our hostel around midnight. All of our travel went very well. Everything was on time and nothing eventful happened, which is what you want on a long trip like this! We had plenty fo lay over time between flights and so we spent some time in the Paris airport exploring the shops, purchasing lunch and coffee. Then we had a loooong (5 hour) layover in Zagreb where we ate pizza and finally got to drink some Schweppes bitter lemon, a drink that isn’t sold locally in America and has been a favorite for teams in the past. (actually, I got to try the Schweppes Pineapple and Basal, because I grabbed the wrong bottle. I’m blaming my color blindness. But, it was still pretty good)

bitter lemon.png

Today we are heading out to get all setup for the English camp. We’ll get to do a little bit of site-seeing and then visit a local church tonight.

Thank you for your prayers! Pray for us to adjust to the time difference quickly and have all the energy we need to be fully present and ready to be used by God however he would like to use us!

- Jesse


Day 1 in Sarajevo


Introducing the Bosnia Team